BluetoothService QML Type

Provides information about a particular Bluetooth service. More...

Import Statement: import QtBluetooth 5.11
Since: Qt 5.2



Detailed Description

It allows a QML project to get information about a remote service, or describe a service for a BluetoothSocket to connect to.

See also QBluetoothAddress and QBluetoothSocket.

Property Documentation

deviceAddress : string

This property holds the remote device's MAC address. It must be a valid address to connect to a remote device using a Bluetooth socket. Changing this property emits the detailsChanged signal.

deviceName : string

This property holds the name of the remote device. Changing this property emits the detailsChanged signal.

registered : string

This property holds the registration/publication status of the service. If true, the service is published during service discovery.

serviceDescription : string

This property holds the description provided by the remote service. Changing this property emits the detailsChanged signal.

serviceName : string

This property holds the name of the remote service if available. Changing this property emits the detailsChanged signal.

serviceProtocol : enumeration

This property holds the protocol used for the service. Changing this property emits the detailsChanged signal.

Possible values for this property are:

BluetoothService.RfcommProtocolThe Rfcomm protocol is used.
BluetoothService.L2capProtocolThe L2cap protocol is used.
BluetoothService.UnknownProtocolThe protocol is unknown.

See also QBluetoothServiceInfo::Protocol.

serviceUuid : string

This property holds the UUID of the remote service. Service UUID, and the address must be set to connect to a remote service. Changing this property emits the detailsChanged signal.

Signal Documentation


This signal is emitted when any of the following properties changes:

The corresponding handler is onDetailsChanged.